Pat Eiseman
I finally retired in July 2012 after 46 years of working, 22 1/2 years in the Air Force and 23 1/2 years at Motorola and General Dynamics. After going to 4 elementary schools and 3 high schools, and after 8 moves in the Air Force in the U.S. and Asia, I had enough; I returned to Phoenix in 1989, where I had graduated from Arizona State University in 1966, and I've been here ever since! Despite all of my moves, some how John Morton has kept track of me and keeps me up to date on things with the class of '62. Unfortunately I won't be at the reunion; my 40 year old son is finally getting married for the first time on the same weekend. What are the odds! Have a great time, and toast Roger Moshell and Jay Matchette and the other folks who have gone on ahead of the rest of us.
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